Product Explainer Videos
I have worked on many different explainer video projects, from discovery all the way to the distribution phase. These are generally created within 1-6 months depending on budget, resources, style, and project goals. The key to a great explainer is a metaphor that resonates with the target audience.
As a Senior Multimedia Designer at Unbounce, I created this demo video in collaboration with the Brand and Product Marketing teams. It combines motion graphics, stock footage, and some custom footage we shot. One of our main objectives was to support the Sales team so they wouldn't have to give so many live demos. We created many versions and lengths for different use cases but this 2min version was ideal for top-of-funnel audiences (2023).
Art Direction: Cecilia Martinez  |  Script: Banafshe Salehi  |  Voice Acting: Jeffrey Holz (
This isometric-style animated explainer racked up over 19k views upon initial release and has been featured on company's home page. It was conceptualized by the small team at Umbrella Pro, led by me, and the Design Director at Mobify (2019).
Storyboard: David Acuña (Umbrella Pro)

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